- Gov. Josh Green lays out the plan to deal with illegal fireworks and Hawaiʻi Attorney General Anne Lopez discusses challenges with current laws around illegal aerials | Full Story
- Lions Club's Jennifer Shintani shares an opportunity to put old glasses to good use | Donate your eyeglasses | Full Story
- Dr. Corrie Miller explains the Aiona Project, which seeks to understand how the vaginal microbiome shapes health | Join the Aiona Project | Full Story
- Filmmaker Haider Rifaat documents the systemic oppression of women and girls in Pakistan in a new short film "In Shackles" | Watch the film's premiere | Full Story
- Neal Uno and Julia Ávila with the National Tropical Botanical Garden's Breadfruit Institute share tips on cultivating ʻulu and its ties to Brazil | Full Story
The Conversation: Illegal fireworks; ʻUlu's ties to Brazil's slave trade