The Conversation is interviewing leading candidates in the races for governor, lieutenant governor, and the open seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Click here for the full interview schedule.
Ikaika Anderson, the former Honolulu City Council chair who represented Windward Oʻahu residents, is seeking to be Hawaiʻi's next lieutenant governor. The Conversation spoke with Anderson about why he resigned in 2020 after 11 years on the council, and what compelled him to run for the No. 2 position in the executive branch of state government.
This interview aired on The Conversation on July 29, 2022. The Conversation airs weekdays at 11 a.m. on HPR-1.
Editor's note: After The Conversation talked to Anderson, fellow lieutenant governor candidate Sylvia Luke issued a statement about attack ads that a super PAC began running this week on Anderson's behalf. Anderson told HPR the ad was not paid for by, or made in collaboration with, his campaign. State law prevents collaboration between candidates and political action committees.
Anderson said, “What is described as a negative attack is no more than being responsible for our documented political statements, voting records and actions.”
The political action committee Be Change Now has bought more than $500,000 in TV and radio advertising. The Conversation also spoke with Luke about the ads.