After a weeklong shutdown of Mokulele Airlines service earlier this month, flight cancellations continue. HPR’s Catherine Cluett Pactol reports the situation is leaving some neighbor island residents with no choice but to make risky crossings by boat for medical care.
There’s trouble on the interisland airline front again as Mokulele Airlines has temporarily halted flights this week. HPR’s Catherine Cluett Pactol has more.
Bargaining teams from Maui Health/Kaiser Permanente and United Nurses and Health Care Employees of Hawaii representing more than 900 workers on Maui and Lānaʻi have come to an agreement on a historic new contract that was ratified this week by union members.
This week a plan to begin building a seed bank on Lānaʻi will start to take shape. The Conversation talked to Johannes Seidel, director of Hawaiʻi Forestry Operations recently, about the building process.
A strike of Maui and Lānaʻi health care workers ended Thursday morning but no contract agreement has yet been reached. HPR’s Catherine Cluett Pactol has an update.
Another local labor dispute has come to a head as nearly 1000 health care workers on Maui and Lāna’i are preparing to strike next week. HPR’s Catherine Cluett Pactol has the story.
Maui County voters have the chance to weigh in on three charter amendment questions related to the Board of Ethics, commission vacancies, and compensation for top county officials. HPR’s Ashley Mizuo breaks down what a "yes" or "no" vote will mean for each.
Luana Alapa has served on the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees since 2020. Now, she faces challenger Kunani Nihipali, a farmer and former Honolulu police officer. HPR's Cassie Ordonio breaks down the issues in the upcoming election.
We've heard about airline reliability issues for residents of Molokaʻi and Lānaʻi — and the concerns that has caused for access to health care on these rural islands. HPR's Catherine Cluett Pactol reports on a state pilot program that seeks to address these issues.
Under the Essential Air Service contract, Mokulele will provide Lānaʻi with 21 weekly round-trip flights to Kahului and 42 round trips to Honolulu on nine-seat Cessna Caravan aircraft. The airline will receive around $4 million annually through August 2026. HPR’s Catherine Cluett Pactol has more.