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The Conversation: Monday, March 7th, 2016


Sex Trafficking in Hawaii; Maui Amateur Boxing; Condo Owner Advocates; Jazz Vocalist Allison Adams Tucker

The Future of HB 1902, Sex Trafficking Bill: Kathryn Xian

Kathryn Xian

Credit Wikipedia
Hawaii State Legislature

  Last year, Governor David Ige vetoed a bill passed by the legislature that would have changed the language in Hawai‘i’s current violent crime statues from “promoting prostitution” to “sex trafficking”. In between sessions, legislators and advocates have tinkered with the measure and supporters are hopeful that this version will pass. We’ll talk with Kathryn Xian, Executive Director and co-founder of the Pacific Alliance to Stop Slavery about the change and why she feels Hawai‘i needs a comprehensive, victim-centered sex trafficking ban.

Intro Music: Monday Morning by Brad Parker

Outro Music: Feel the Pain by Musica para Estudiar

Southside Boxing Club, Maui Amateur Boxing: Nante Nanangan

Nante Nanangan

Credit England Boxing
Youth Amateur Boxing

  If you grew up in the era of Floyd Patterson, Sugar Ray Robinson, and Muhammad Ali, champions with class, you might wonder what happened to boxing. The public taste for so-called mixed martial arts makes the days of the highly disciplined Sweet Science seem outmoded and almost quaint. Nante Nanangan is the Chief Executive Officer of the Southside Boxing Club of Maui. He has spent decades teaching kids how to do it right and his gym is sponsoring an amateur bout this weekend.

Intro Music: Mrs. Robinson by The O’Neal Brothers Group
Outro Music: The Champ is Here by Leon Chavis

HB 1802: Condominium Association Ombudsman Legislation: Lila Mower

Lila Mower

Credit Flickr, picdrops

  Many condo buildings and developments have an owner’s association and a management company.. Whether you like or have problems with each might depend on which side of an issue you fall. For the condo owners in HUI `OIA`I`O, what’s missing when there are problems is an advocate. The group wants a condo ombudsman in an office of self governance to be part of the Attorney General’s department. The bill to create all that made steady progress up until reaching the house finance committee where no hearing was scheduled. Lila Mower is the spokesperson for HUI `OIA`I`O, self-organized group advocating for condo owners’ rights.

Intro Music: Got Django by Hot Club of Hulaville
Outro Music: Strip Tease Organ by Sam Paglia

World Jazz Vocalist: Allison Adams Tucker

Allison Adams Tucker

  Allison Adams Tucker calls herself a world jazz vocalist, and she has good reasons to. Not only does she sing in a variety of languages, but she does so all over the world. She’s coming to Hawai‘i for a weekend concert and she joins us this morning by phone from California.

Intro Music: Stargazer Theme

Outro Music: Le Temps Du Muguet (Moscow Nights) by Allison Adams Tucker 

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