- HPR's Catherine Cluett Pactol finds that stable housing continues to be a major struggle for survivors of the Maui fires, more than four months after the fires swept through parts of the island | Full Story
- University of Hawai’i hydrologist Chris Shuler describes an ongoing water testing program on Maui that serves to provide answers to those with questions about the water quality on Maui following the August fires | Full Story
- Honolulu Civil Beat reporter Ben Angarone provides a Reality Check on the widespread use of — and efforts to control — illegal fireworks in Hawaiʻi ahead of the New Year’s celebrations | Full Story
- The Kauai Jewish Center’s Rabbi Michoel Goldman discusses a community effort that led to the delivery of about 200 handmade, Hawaiʻi-themed jewelry to Israeli refugees of the Israel-Hamas conflict | Full Story
- Manu Minute host Patrick Hart provides tips on spotting the kioea, a long-billed shorebird that spends its winters in Hawaiʻi | Full Story