- Hawaiʻi State Reps. Scott Saiki, Aaron Johanson, and Linda Ichiyama provide their insight and opinions over the military's handling of the Central O'ahu contaminated water crisis | Full Article
- Honolulu Civil Beat reporter Anita Hofschneider says that moving the fuel out of Red Hill's underground facility is easier said than done — the effort could cost billions of dollars and take decades | Full Article
- Lori Kahikina, HART's interim Executive Director, discusses the new timeline for meeting with federal transit authority officials to present its new recovery plan | Full Segment
- Sandy Ma of Common Cause Hawaii and Brian Black of Civil Beat Law Center talk about their groups' efforts to bring attention to the Hawaii legislature's most egregious gut-and-replace bills | Full Article
The Conversation: Local lawmakers weigh in on contaminated water situation; New timeline for Honolulu rail

Hawaiʻi State Legislature