- John De Fries, the President and CEO of the Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority, updates us on 2022 visitor projections and the impact the recent COVID surge is having on visitors arriving in our state | Full Article
- Honolulu Civil Beat reporter Stewart Yerton dives deeper into the "brain drain," the idea that more of our population is leaving the state for cheaper pastures in today's Reality Check | Full Article
- Political Analyst Neal Milner discusses the findings of the latest Pew Foundation survey in our bi-weekly segment, The Long View
- Rachel Sprague, the Director of Conservation for Pūlama Lanaʻi, talks about efforts on Lanaʻi to protect the population of the 'Ua'u, the Hawaiian Petrel. | Full Article
- We learn more about the ʻUaʻu in today's Manu Minute