Reestablishing a Hawaiian Government; ‘Fighting the Shadow War’; Wastewater in West Hawaii

An announcement released overnight by the US Department of the Interior establishes a framework for Native Hawaiian self-determination. U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says in the statement: “Today is a major step forward in the reconciliation process between Native Hawaiians and the United States that began over 20 years ago… We are proud to announce this final rule that respects and supports self-governance for Native Hawaiians, one of our nation’s largest indigenous communities.” Dr. Davianna Pomaika'i McGregor, Professor and founding member of the department of Ethnic Studies at the University of Hawai'i, Manoa, is on hand to tell us what it all means.
Intro Music: Hawaiian Winter by Nicolai Heidlas
Cultural Appropriation: Bootsie Parker

In parallel with the quest for self-determination, there’s another struggle: simple dignity. Disney has now pulled its “Maui the Demigod” Halloween costume from shelves, after being reminded that brown skin does not a costume make. The costume has been compared to black face. J. Stanford Parker, AKA Bootsie, is a screenwriter who has been writing film and television stories about African-American subjects for decades, is a close observer of the way different cultures are portrayed in popular media, and we asked him to weigh in.
Outro Music: Talking Backwards by Real Estate
‘1941: Fighting The Shadow War’: Marc Wortman

December 7th marks the 75th Anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, which means it’s also been three quarters of a century since many events leading up to our entry into the war, and unknown to the public unfolded in the corridors of power-- For example, how much did President Roosevelt know about German atrocities against Jews and other so-called “Untermenschen”? Did FDR know, expect, or welcome an attack on Pearl Harbor? If Hitler hadn’t declared war on us, what would Roosevelt do? Author Marc Worter’s newest book “1941: Fighting the Shadow War: A Divided America in a World at War” is a fascinating exploration of America’s clandestine involvement before December 7th.
Marc will be speaking at the Pacific Aviation Museum at Pearl Harbor's Living History Day, SEP 24, 1:45 PM:
Intro Music: Tuolumne by Eddie Vedder
Outro Music: Swinging On A Star by Bing Crosby
Civil Beat Reality Check: Fecal Contamination on Kaua'i
The State Department of Health has been forced to close a Kauai beach that has been the subject, for years, of complaints about fecal contamination of near-shore waters. It’s a serious health threat whose source has not yet been nailed down, and Civil Beat reporter Chad Blair is on hand to tell us more.
Intro Music: Afternoon by Youth Lagoon
Outro Music: Waste Water by Sleepies
Wastewater Forum for West Hawaii: Bruce Anderson

Water quality is a shared concern on Hawaii Island. The Department of Land and Natural Resources has just heard from the community at a West Hawaii forum. The moderator of the panel was Dr. Bruce Anderson, Administrator of the Division of Aquatic Resources in the State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, and he’s on the line with us now.
Outro Music: She's The One by Ray LaMontangne
Rap Reiplinger Biography: Leesa Stone

While living in Hawaii Leesa Clark Stone met and later married a man of almost mythical stature in the Aloha State. Now she's writing his biography “Paradise To Paradise - The Rap Reiplinger Story”, and she joins us by phone from Tennessee.
*If you have anecdotes about Rap or photos of him that you would like to share please forward them to Leesa at
Intro Music: Roll Call by Rap Reiplinger
Outro Music: Time by Rap Reiplinger