Seed Industry in Hawaii; Sergio Mendes; Prison Reform; Ethics of Eating; Funding Nonprofits
Economic Report, State of the Seed Industry: Paul Brewbaker

The tension between the seed industry and the anti GMO community may be more fraught this week. The Hawaii Crop Improvement Association (HCIA), which represents Hawaii’s seed industry, released an economic report analyzing the now 50-year-old seed industry. According to the report, the total economic impact of that industry in Hawaii is $323 million, with its research having global reach. Economist Paul Brewbaker compiled the report.
Intro Music: You've Got Me Flush by Future Generations
Outro Music: After The Moment by Craft Spells

Mas que nada. What does that really mean? We’ll ask the man who popularized the song, Sergio Mendes. He’s been a powerhouse of Brazilian music for over 50 years and joined us in studio yesterday.
Intro Music: Agua de Beber by Sérgio Mendes & Brasil '66
Outro Music: Mas Que Nada - 2011 Rio Version by Sérgio Mendes, Gracinha Leporace
Civil Beat Reality Check: Prison Reform

Efforts to improve Hawaii’s prison system seem to be on conflicting paths. With one study designing a new OCCC, the main task force that’s supposed to revamp prison policy won’t report back until 2018.
Intro Music: Strange Girl by The Zolas
Outro Music: Guru by Coast Modern
The Ethics of Eating: Vani Hari, The Food Babe

You may have noticed of late a move by fast food restaurants and big food companies to change the formulas of their products to include healthier alternatives. VaniHari also known as The Food Babe feels partially responsible for that. In 2011, she started a blog to investigate what’s in ubiquitous items...the latest is an ingredients list of Starbucks drinks. She’s also the author of The Food Babe Way and refers to her followers as the Food Babe Army. VaniHari is in Hawaii this week to talk about the ethics of eating
Intro Music: DW Theme
Outro Music: Soul Food by Logic
Ninth Island in Manoa: Sister Joan of Arc Souza

When you’re in charge of a non-profit, fund raising is always a very important part of keeping that non-profit in the best shape. And when your nonprofit is a school founded by the Sisters of Saint Francis 92 years ago in Manoa Valley, the job you have of educating and inspiring your students is one of the best and most rewarding things you can do. Saint Francis School did an excellent job preparing one student for life-- Not only is she an Alumna of Saint Francis School, she's also the Principal! --Sister Joan of Arc Souza
Intro Music: Start Again by Bishop Allen
Outro Music: Empress by Morningsiders