Elder Perspective on Conservation; Using Drones to See Through Water; G20 & TPP; IUCN Red List
Benin Film Projects Capturing the Elder Perspective: Dodé Heim Myline HOUEHOUNHA

Most Hawaii residents are now hearing the acronym IUCN likely more than they have ever heard it in the past...but for those who work with and for the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the IUCN is a routine part of their lives. That would include DodéHOUEHOUNHA. He is a forestry management engineer from the west African country of Benin. He is also in charge of the IUCN-World Commission on Protected Areas Young Professionals Group for the west and central Africa region. Continuing our look at Hawaii issues through world eyes, Dode joins us now to consider the role of elders in conservation, documented in a film produced as part of the Benin Film Project.
Intro Music: Boardwalks - Sonny Alven Remix by Little May
Outro Music: Heavy by Birdtalker
Drones that See Through Waves & New Technologies for Ocean Conservation: Ved Chirayath

With Hawai'i's pristine shoreline ecosystems, you may have marveled at the water’s clarify, but-- Even if the water is smooth as glass, one little ripple, one little puff of breeze, and everything is distorted. Well, until now.
Intro Music: Wild + Free by Andrew Simple
Outro Music: The Johny Wayne by Little Green Cars
Thoughts on G20 and TPP: Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew

Sometimes, you just get lucky. Late on Labor Day, an email popped up asking if anyone was at HPR who’d like an interview with Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew. HPR News Director Bill Dorman replied, got a phone call then the security detail arrived… all because Jack Lew had decided to touch down in Honolulu for the day en route to Washington following the meeting of the G20...which was the first item Bill Dorman asked him about
Intro Music: DW Theme
Outro Music: Money by Pink Floyd
IUCN Red List of Ecosystems: Rebecca Miller

You've probably heard the expression dress for the job that you want. Rebecca Miller thinks the real phrase we should be telling ourselves is to act for the world you want. On Sunday, Rebecca Miller’s team released the latest installment of the IUCN Red List - the species and environments in danger of being or which have been already lost. I asked her about this year’s list and what now comes after it that mitigate what sometimes feels like a hopeless situation.
Intro Music: Money by Pink Floyd
Outro Music: My Love by The Bird and The Bee
IUCN #NatureforAll Check-In: June Chee
Connecting real people to Nature is the work of a campaign launched at the IUCN. hashtag nature for all has 90 partners June Chee, who is overseeing the K-12 working group for the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress. She just finished her work with Hawaii Students' Day at Congress and we’re curious about the takeaways of 900 kids and what’s happening next at the Congress.
Intro Music: Soulfire by Kalei Gamiao
Outro Music: As We Ran by The National Parks