It’s Monday, August 19 – From HPR2, it’s The Conversation
How We Discuss Race: J. Stanford Parker
J. Stanford Parker AKA Bootsie was the first African-American writer hired to write for the Redd Foxx television comedy “Sanford.” He’s the screenwriter for the Jamie Foxx film “Booty Call” and the former head writer of “The D.L. Hughley Show,” among many other film and television credits. He remains active as a screenwriter, with several projects in the works.
HTY’s “A Korean Cinderella:” Alvin Chan
Alvin Chan is the author of “A Korean Cinderella,” which opens Friday at Tenney Theater in downtown Honolulu.
Nahenahe Singing: Sam Bader
Sam Bader and his singing group Kalae'ola'a will take part in next Saturday’s KaHimeni Ana Competition at the Hawai’i Theater.