A mistake with the font on Hawaiʻi IDs and driver's licenses was recently detected in cards ordered between Jan. 31 and Feb. 15.
The state Department of Transportation announced Monday that about 2,450 residents received misprinted identification cards that had the "Hawaii" labeling at the top written in block letters, rather than the original cursive font.

The department stated that a majority of the residents, about 68%, affected were from the City and County of Honolulu.
The card vendor, Thales, said the accident was caused by a hardware change and that they will "triple check fonts" from now on during equipment upgrades. The Department of Customer Services was informed of the accident on Feb. 21, and it has since been resolved.
Residents with the block-lettered font can contact their county's motor vehicle branch or wait for their new card to arrive in the mail.
Additionally, the Transportation Security Administration has been notified and has agreed to accept the misprints as a valid form of identification at this time.
The state said that the replacement cards will be sent in white envelopes soon.