This year is already turning out to be a dangerous one for traffic on Maui.
On Sunday, two people were killed in a car crash—bringing the total number of traffic related deaths on the island this year to 14. This time last year, there were only 10 traffic related deaths in Maui county. According to officials, the county averages 18 deaths from traffic crashes each year.
The Maui Department of Public Works is trying to decrease the county’s traffic-related death toll through various safety initiatives. The main program called Vision Zero Maui aims to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries on the island.
This week, the county installed signs at crosswalks to increase driver awareness of pedestrians. The signs read “State Law Stop for Pedestrians Within Crosswalk.”
These signs will be installed in Kihei, at South Kihei Road and Uwapo Road, and in Central Maui near the War Memorial Complex. Additional signs will be installed at other locations in the upcoming months.
As a victim of a drunk driving accident himself, Mayor Michael Victorino is urging drivers and pedestrians to pay attention on the road.
“Every one of us has a responsibility--whether you’re a pedestrian or you’re a driver, it doesn’t make a difference. We all have a responsibility, or kuleana, to be aware of what’s around us,” Victorino said.
Victorino said the county will continue to implement new initiatives to protect people on the road. Flashing lights on crosswalks near schools and raised crosswalks are just a few of the ideas the mayor hopes to roll out through Vision Zero Maui.