The five major biotech companies that dominate global seed production moved into Hawai’i after sugar and pineapple. Since our climate allows three crop…
This week on HPR we’ve been presenting a series of reports we call “Genetically Engineered: Beyond Emotion.” One question that frequently comes up is who…
All week, HPR has been looking at genetic engineering and issues raised by these new technologies. In today’s installment, HPR’sNoeTanigawa looks at the…
On the west side of Kauai, many acres of former sugar cane fields have been converted to a major testing area for genetically modified seeds.The battle…
All this week, Hawaii Public Radio is presenting a series we call “Genetically Engineered: Beyond Emotion.” The United States has been at the forefront of…
All week HPR News has been taking a closer look at GMOs, in our ongoing series Genetically Engineered: Beyond Emotion. Today we turn to the debate over…
This week on HPR, we’re presenting a series we’re calling, “Genetically Engineered: Beyond Emotion.” The town of Waialua on O’ahu’s North Shore is home to…
All this week, Hawaii Public Radio is presenting a series we call “Genetically Engineered: Beyond Emotion.” While the United States has been on the front…
This week, HPR is focusing on issues around genetically engineered organisms, and today, HPR’sNoeTanigawa takes a look at the controversy around their…
This week on HPR, we’re presenting a series we’re calling, “Genetically Engineered: Beyond Emotion.” In the first of two reports, HPR’s Wayne Yoshioka…