The Honolulu Rail Transit Project is scheduled to start construction on the final city center segment through downtown Honolulu next year.But, Honolulu…
Reports about Honolulu’s ongoing rail issues can seem to come in alarming and disjointed bursts. For the past few months, HPR’s Noe Tanigawa has been…
The project oversight committee for Honolulu’s Rail transit project conducted a public hearing Tuesday night on plans to relocate utilities in the City’s…
The annual spending plan for Honolulu’s elevated rail project is headed to the full City Council for final approval next month. HPR’s Wayne Yoshioka…
The Honolulu City Council’s Budget Committee focused on the Audit of Honolulu’s Rail Transit Project today. HPR’s Wayne Yoshioka reports.
A change at the top of the Honolulu train project.Don Horner has resigned as chairman of the board of the Honolulu Area Rapid Transit Authority. He…
The Honolulu City Council extended state funding for the rail transit project today. But the lawmakers imposed a few restrictions on spending. HPR’s Wayne…
The Honolulu City Council deliberated today on the bill to increase funding for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project. HPR’s Wayne Yoshioka reports.
The construction of Honolulu’s rail project is already having an impact on everything from traffic to local jobs. In Asia, a rail project of roughly the…
Construction on O’ahu’s 6-billion dollar rail transit project is nearing mile 4 of its projected 20-mile route. Local businesses are being impacted and…