P?hoa: A Town with a Rich Past and an Uncertain FutureSeptember 24, 2014Officials are saying lava heading towards P?hoa on Hawaii's Big Island has slowed…
The lava flow creeping through P?hoa continues to remain active, claiming its first residential home earlier this week. Many residents have already packed…
Of the many stories of loss and change that surround the lava flow moving to isolate parts of P?hoa, few rival the story of the Buddhist cemetery just…
As lava continues to flow into residential properties in Pahoa, mixed emotions are being felt in the community. Some are anxiously awaiting Pele’s arrival…
While the lava continued to stall over the weekend, USGS geologists stressed the flow is far from over, leaving residents and business owners in P?hoa…
The leading edge of the lava slowed to a stall Thursday. The lava, which has not advanced in the past 24 hours, is still 480 feet from Pahoa Village Road.…
Lava flowing from Kilauea Volcano towards the town of P?hoa has finally arrived, crossing residential property lines early Tuesday morning. Residents have…
The town of P?hoa on Hawaii's Big Island is making preparations to deal with the possibility of a lava flow. And while it’s stalled for now, officials are…
Officials are saying lava heading towards P?hoa on Hawaii's Big Island has slowed for now. But that isn't putting anyone at ease. Over the next few days,…