A local firm's rapid antigen COVID-19 test is one of a dozen to get over-the-counter approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration this year.
Patrick Sullivan, president and CEO of Oceanit, says the company began working on a saliva spit test but switched to a shallow nasal swab for easier use. Sullivan says the FDA approval is validation after a long tough road.
Several local companies, hospitals and schools are part of the effort to fight the spread of COVID-19. One technology company that’s deeply involved is…
An alternative approach to problem solving called design thinking may be able to help policymakers reduce the social cost of climate adaptation.Leaders…
An engineering consulting firm provided new alternatives to a flood management plan for the Ala Wai Canal, officials said.Oceanit company officials met…
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Oceanit is a pioneer when it comes to developing a locally based high-tech business. The company was established 30 years ago by Dr. Patrick Sullivan,…