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The Conversation: Friday, September 25th 2015

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Video for Community Awareness of Homeless Youth; Chamber Music Series; UHERO State Forecast Update; Supermoon

Video for Community Awareness of Homeless Youth: Olivia Medeiros-Sakimoto

Olivia Medeiros-Sakimoto

During last week’s homelessness series we learned the numbers of homeless youth is largely undercounted. That’s In part because finding them is tough and getting funding to staff outreach to youth is even tougher. That’s just some of what Iolani 8th grader Olivia Medeiros-Sakimoto and her friend Tori Ann Abe recently found out. They wrote and filmed a video to spotlight youth homelessness and bolster public and government support. It got them an invitation from Senator Suzanne Chun Oakland to present at the Human Services and Housing Committee meeting. Olivia Medeiros -Sakimoto joined the show to tell us what she learned from making the video.

  • Intro Music: Heaven's Room by Ducktails
  • Outro Music:  Kusanagi by ODESZA

Chamber Music Series: Jonathan Korth

Jonathan Korth

Some of the most spectacular young talent in music can be found in one of its more traditional realms: chamber music.   It’s a world of rigorous practice to reach nearly impossible heights and it’s a celebration of the sonority and texture of acoustic instruments. But it’s also a world that continues to embrace innovation, and Jonathan Korth, coordinator of the Honolulu Chamber Music Series, is bringing an exciting roster of young artists to the islands.  The series begins Sunday, October 18th, with a performance by the Zemlinsky Quartet at Orvis Auditorium on the UH M?noa campus. 

  • Intro Music: Hungarian Dance No. 1 in G Minor by Sarah Chang
  • Outro Music: Violin Sonata - Perpetuum mobile – Allegro by Sarah Chang

UHERO State Forecast Update: Carl Bonham

Carl Bonham

You don’t need to look much beyond the title of today’s update on the state’s economic forecast to know that some of Hawaii’s best days are happening right now.  Except for Weather, Outlook Shines succinctly captures what the UH Economic Research Organization expects for Hawaii through 2017. There are though factors that mitigate all the good news. UHERO executive director Carl Bonham joined us in studio to walk us through the details.

  • Intro Music: Huarache Lights by Hot Chip
  • Outro Music: In The Flesh? By Pink Floyd

Supermoon: Mike Shanahan

Mike Shanahan

Much of the country will be staring at the night sky this Sunday for the combined supermoon/lunar eclipse, and sadly, we’ll be too far West for the whole show. What we will get is the largest moon we’ve seen in a while. It will closer to earth than it has been in 33 years, and Mike Shanahan, Director of Visitor Experience and Planetarium at Honolulu’s Bishop Museum, says it’s only one of many reasons to look up at the night sky and learn more about what you’re seeing.

  • Intro Music: Supermoon - Original Mix by Beroshima
  • Outro Music: Shine On Harvest Moon by Coleman Hawkins and Ben Webster
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