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The Long View; Sending Aloha Abroad; State Budget and UH; Prodigal Father

Kauai Community Players

Wednesday, April 1st – from HPR2, it’s The Conversation

The Long View: Neal Milner

Neal Milner

51 years after President Lyndon Johnson announced the war on poverty, many researchers have tried to analyze whether it was successful. That would include Harvard professor Christopher Jencks. This week he is assessing “Legacies of the War on Poverty” by researchers Martha Bailey and Sheldon Danziger. Our contributing editor, Neal Milner, has had a look and says for this one you really have to take the long view.

  • Intro Music:  April Fools by Aretha Franklin
  • Outro Music:  The Rugged Nuggets: Tsunami


Sending Aloha Abroad: Sean Aronson

Sean Aronson

  The young men and women who responded to President Kennedy’s call for volunteers when he created the Peace Corps were often long on good intentions and short on regional knowledge. Those who were headed to Asia were likely to face culture shock in their new homes and Hawaii became a valuable training ground.   The story of their orientation to a life of service came on Hawaii Island, and that’s the story that’s told in Sean Aronson’s film Sending Aloha Abroad.

  • Intro Music:  Grab This Thing by The Mar-Keys
  • Outro Music:  Layin Low by The Sure Fire Soul Ensemble


State Budget and UH: Isaac Choy

Isaac Choy

Later today, the Senate Ways and Means committee will take up the state budget (HB500). In it are line items for who gets what and from where the funds will come.  Along with all the appropriations for the biennium beginning July 1st of this year through June 30th of 2017, are the funds for the University of Hawaii. The Manoa campus is in the district of Representative Isaac Choy. He has been very vocal about how he’d like to see the money flow to the UH system and how its management should be accountable for it.

  • Intro Music:  Tighten Up by Bamboos
  • Outro Music: Street Scene by Steven Perry, Zamau

Prodigal Father: Richard Peck

Richard Peck

Is there such a thing as a family that hasn’t had its struggles?   Is that even possible?   If it were, there wouldn’t be much material for a playwright to sink his teeth into... but luckily, as playwright and director Richard Peck knows well, families are a rich source of the situations and personalities that make for good theater, especially if you apply a light, comedic touch.   His play “Prodigal Father” reverses a well-known family trope and has fun doing it.   He joined the show via phone to tell us about it.

  • Intro Music:  Baobab Tree by Monophonics
  • Outro Music:  Flight to St. Vincent by The Poets of Rhythm
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