It’s Friday, January 10 – From HPR2, it’s The Conversation
Refusal to Help Health Connector by HI GOP: Kayla Berube
Kayla Berube is the Executive Director of the Hawaii Republican Party. She joined the HRP in September 2013, after working for a US Senate candidate in the 2013 Massachusetts special election. She has worked for the Massachusetts, Connecticut, and National Republican parties.
Intro Music: Dangerous Curves by Dan Golub
Outro Music: Flowers In December by Mazzy Star
“Fighter Pilot”: Christina Olds
Christina Olds is the author, with her father Robin Olds and Ed Rasimus, of “Fighter Pilot: The Memoirs of legendary Ace Robin Olds.” She’s giving a Hangar Talk at Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor tomorrow at 2pm (corrected 14:38).
Intro Music: Communicate by WRLDS
Outro Music: Rainy Day in August by Fighter Pilot
UH Manoa Textbook Buying Tools: Josh Rivera
Josh Rivera is a senior at UH M?noa majoring in Computer Engineering. When he graduates, he hopes to start a career in software engineering or developing mobile applications. He’s also a student officer for the M?noa chapter of the Institute for Electrical & Electronic Engineers the world's largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation… which he says applies to the new online price comparison tool to help him and other students get the best deal on their books.
Intro Music: It Never Changes To Stop by The Books
Outro Music: Walk With Me by RJD2
Kauai Radio Play, “Now Who Are You?”: Susan LeHoven
SJ LeHoven is the author of “Now Who Are You?”, which will be performed February 1, 7, and 8 at the WIT's End Theatre in the Coconut Marketplace.
Intro Sounds: ‘Uhane by Jeff Peterson and Riley Lee
Outro Music: Who Are You? By The Who