Families and their keiki can celebrate the Hawaiian language through culture and music Saturday at Kapiʻolani Community College.
Pai Ka Leo 2025: He ‘Aha Mele Hawai‘i is in its second year. Pai Ka Leo means to raise your voice.
The free event helps fundraise for Hawaiian language schools.
“The reason that it started in its inception was there was a lack of funding for a lot of our Hawaiian language schools,” said Kahōkū Lindsey-Asing, president of the nonprofit Keu, The Brand.
The nonprofit is organizing the event in collaboration with ʻAha Pūnana Leo, Kula Kaiapuni, and Kula Kaiaʻōlelo of Oʻahu.
Lindsey-Asing said 14 Hawaiian language schools will perform along with special guests. The event will also showcase local vendors.
He said his favorite part of the event is hearing the collective voices of students singing in the Hawaiian language throughout the night.
Last year, Pai Ka Leo drew up to 3,000 people. Lindsey-Asing expects the same turnout.
“We really create a safe space and ohana-centered space for everybody to come and relax,” he said. “You bring your own blankets, your chairs and you just enjoy a concert on the lawn.”
The event is Jan. 25 from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. To get tickets, click here.