Additional testing has found that there are no signs of jet fuel in drinking water from the Navy’s distribution system.
Water quality complaints at some Pearl Harbor residences were brought to the Environmental Protection Agency in October. Residents were concerned traces of fuel from the 2021 Red Hill spill were still appearing in their homes.
Follow-up tests found trace amounts of total petroleum hydrocarbons from diesel, but the source was unclear.
The Navy says a fingerprint analysis performed for each TPH detection did not match the composition of JP-5 jet fuel.
The extensive testing confirms the water meets all safe drinking water standards as set by the EPA and Hawai‘i Department of Health, but the Navy says it will continue to coordinate with regulators, residents, and the medical community to investigate other possible sources of the TPH, as well as causes for reported medical symptoms.
The Navy says it will also continue to coordinate with regulators on its ongoing premise plumbing assessment and implementation of the EPA’s recommendations from its December investigation report.
Premise plumbing is the portion of a home's water system connected to a main system, like the Navy's, via service lines. Water heaters, showers and toilets are some examples.
Residents who have concerns about their drinking water supplied by Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam or want to request a Rapid Response Test and/or Drinking Water Long-Term Monitoring test can call the emergency operations center at 808-449-1979, the EPA at 415-947-4406, or the DOH Safe Drinking Water Branch at 808-586-4258 or send an email to