On Helping Hand this week it’s Best Buddies Hawai‘i and details on three upcoming events with the organization that helps create friendships and inclusion between intellectually disabled and general education students. HPR All Things Considered Host Dave Lawrence speaks with Best Buddies Hawai‘i State Director Sarah Man.
Best Buddies Hawai‘i presents their 6th Annual Best Buddies Friendship Jam October 18th at The Artistry in Honolulu and Life is Sweet event November 12th on Maui at the Shops at Wailea. They also are involved in the Footsteps to Transition Fair October 21st at Windward Community College for students with special needs, their families, loved ones & caregivers.
Best Buddies is an international effort raising awareness and funds to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), funding Best Buddies programs dedicated to one-to-one friendships, leadership development, and integrated job opportunities for individuals with IDD.
Helping Hand airs statewide on HPR1 stations during the afternoon drive broadcast of NPR’s All Things Considered, and then all the segments are archived here. Every Friday afternoon, Helping Hand puts the spotlight on an organization, topic or event that offers assistance to the disabled and the most vulnerable.

Contact Best Buddies Hawai'i:
Website: bestbuddies.org/hawaii or bestbuddies.org/friendshipjam; find info on the Footsteps to Transition Fair 2017 at footstepstotransition.weebly.com, facebook.com/footstepstotransition and on the Spin Network site.
Email: hawaii@bestbuddies.org
Phone: (808) 545-3025 in the Honolulu area and (808) 242-6962 on Maui.
Find them on Facebook and Twitter.
Find all the previous Helping Hand segments here.