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City Plans Public Meeting on Sand Island Homeless Site

Molly Solomon
Molly Solomon
Molly Solomon
Credit Molly Solomon
Homeless advocate Kathryn Xian is the Executive Director of the Pacific Alliance to Stop Slavery. She's skeptical of the city's Sand Island proposal and calls it a quick fix.

Honolulu residents will get an opportunity to sound off on a new plan to temporarily move homeless people to Sand Island. The city will hold a community meeting tonight to discuss the proposal…one of several aimed at dealing with Hawai‘i’s growing homeless problem. HPR’s Molly Solomon has more.

The public is invited to attend a meeting on the proposed Sand Island Housing First Transition Center…It’ll be held tonight at 6 PM at Pu‘uhale Elementary School.

The Board of Land and Natural Resources will also take up the issue on Friday, at a meeting to decide whether or not to approve the city's plan.

Molly Solomon
Molly Solomon joined HPR in May 2012 as an intern for the morning talk show The Conversation. She has since worn a variety of hats around the station, doing everything from board operator to producer.
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