This week we’re learning about Best Buddies Hawai'i. Their website states that their mission is to create opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They have a fundraiser called the Friendship Jam coming up Saturday October 17 at Jimmy Buffett's restaurant and bar in Waikiki from 12 to 4 p.m. We're excited to welcome Sarah Man, Regional Director of Best Buddies Hawai'i.
Helping Hand is a weekly feature airing statewide on HPR1 stations each week and then appearing online here, where our Helping Hand segments are archived online. Every Friday afternoon, Helping Hand puts the spotlight on an organization or event in the community that offers assistance to the disabled and other folks in need with local Honolulu All Things Considered Host Dave Lawrence.

Contact Best Buddies Hawai'i:
Phone: 808-545-3025
Find all the Helping Hand segments here.