The H?k?le‘a's M?lama Honua Worldwide Voyage began in 2013 with a sail around the Hawaiian archipelago. Since then, the H?k?le‘a and Hikianalia, the Polynesian Voyaging Society’s voyaging canoes have been plying waters across the globe, dodging cyclones and hurricanes, pirates and sandbars to complete their global circuit. HPR's Noe Tanigawa spoke with crew member Na'alehu Anthony about what he experienced.
Across the globe, heading west from the H?k?le‘a visited over 150 ports, preceded by an advance team that sought out the native people of each location. The indigenous people were asked if a visit by H?k?le‘a would be welcome, and each port became an astounding example local hospitality.
Here, N?‘?lehu Anthony, a H?k?le‘a crewmember, and Chief Executive Director of ‘Oiwi TV, recalls his time aboard the canoe. ‘?iwi TV was responsible for documentation and website content for the entire M?lama Honua voyage. Find their resources online or through your cable provider.