There are roads across the state that are in limbo because no one can agree who owns them. A drawn-out legal battle over disputed roads in Kakaako has…
Governor David Ige approved new rules today to guide future development in Kaka’ako.The Hawai’i Community Development Authority’s 2018 Amended Housing…
The state is proposing to change affordable and work force housing rules for Kaka’ako. But, as HPR’s Wayne Yoshioka reports, some developers and residents…
The building boom in Kaka’ako and the expected arrival of rail transit has prompted a stepped up planning process for the district. HPR’s Wayne Yoshioka…
The developer of a luxury condominium on the corner of Kapi’olani Boulevard and Ward Avenue is awaiting a crucial and, potentially costly, regulatory…
The Hawai’i Community Development Authority heard from major stakeholders in Kaka’ako today on the homeless encampments there. HPR’s Wayne Yoshioka…
The population of Kaka’ako is expected to double to about 30-thousand in the next 15 years or so. That’s one of the reasons the state is currently looking…
The state’s first micro housing project in Kaka’ako with 300 square foot units received a green light today from the Hawai’i Community Development…
The Hawai’i Community Development Authority withheld a final decision on a project proposed by a major Kaka’ako developer to build affordable housing.…
A new construction project in Kaka’ako was unveiled today. It’s one-fourth the height of a high-rise and targets individuals who earn 20-thousand dollars…