Hawai?i Public Radio met its Fall Fund Drive goal of $875,000 an hour ahead of schedule, at 4:57 p.m. on Friday, October 6. Nearly $773,000 were raised during the ten days of on-air fundraising on both of HPR's stations (HPR-1 News and HPR-2 Classical). Early donations of $104,000 were received prior to the start of the drive on September 27.
HPR President & General Manager José A. Fajardo said, “We made significant investments this past year in our infrastructure, programming, and digital accessibility. It is during these fund drives that we learn whether our consumers find value in the station's services. In this recent campaign, we were gratified to receive a 'thumb's up' from more than 3,400 donors, nearly 900 of them brand new members."
Of those first-time members, 28% of them elected the monthly installment plan, known as Sustaining Membership. More than 40 donors joined the station’s new Cornerstone Society, which recognizes those who donate $1000 or more per year. Another five joined the Founder’s Circle, a new level of giving ($3000 per year) initiated by Founding Board Chairman John Henry Felix.
Fajardo adds, "We witnessed during this drive the extraordinary generosity of our donors, many of whom elected to decline their thank you gift and participate instead in our Radio Flyers program. Through this program, a partnership with the Kapi?olani Medical Center for Women & Children, HPR donors transferred 534,000 HawaiianMiles to Kapi?olani's previously depleted Family Fund account. The frequent flyer miles will be used to provide travel assistance to needy Neighbor Island families and keiki."
Donations were received over the phone and through the station’s website. HPR’s new mobile app provided an alternate means for donors to make their contribution.
Sweepstakes prizes were offered by Prince Resorts Hawaii and Alaska Airlines. Volunteers from approximately 65 community organizations assisted by answering phones or appearing as on-air guests. Meals were prepared and donated by a variety of local food purveyors and individuals, including Wanda Adams; Bernadette's Fine Cuisine; Camille’s Meals on Wheels; dj mr nick; Gyotaku; The Happy Bento; J.J. Dolan; Kan Zaman; Les Dames d’Escoffier, Hawai?i Chapter; Murphy’s Bar & Grill; Napoleon’s Bakery; Natalie Nimmer; Nico's Pier 38; Sherry Nolte; Ono Locos Tacos; Ruby Tuesday Hawai?i; and Tacos Zarate.