Highlighting Sacred Ground; Superb Seniors; How Should a Fish Vote This Year? New Discovery in Papahanaumokuakea
Importance of Sacred Ground: Toby McLeod

Over the last few days of the World Conservation Congress, we’ve talked with people from around the globe who face many of the same issues as confront Hawai‘i. Some of them are leveraging the power of film to influence policy. Toby McLeod has been doing that for over 30 years. When we last talked with him, his four part series, Standing on Sacred Ground was about to screen in Hawai‘i. Part 4: “Islands of Sanctuary” focuses on Aboriginal Australians and Native Hawaiians reclaiming land from the government and the military, and resisting the erosion of culture and environment.
Intro Music: Boardwalks - Sonny Alven Remix by Little May
Outro Music: Heavy by Birdtalker
Author of (I Don’t Know Where I’m Going but I’m) Enjoying the Ride: Win Straube

When he turned sixteen, it was the day before his nation, Germany, surrendered to the Allies in World War II. His only Prayer was to survive to be twice his age, thirty-two. And now that he’s eighty-eight, he’s had his Prayers answered far beyond his wildest dreams, and he’s made many people's lives far better because of it. His latest book, “Superb Seniors” is dedicated to those whose life experience makes them far more than what youth oriented society dismisses as Senior citizens, and he’s got some very valuable insights.
Intro Music: Wild + Free by Andrew Simple
Outro Music: The Johny Wayne by Little Green Cars
Blue Frontier, How Should a Fish Vote in This Election?: David Helvarg

The calendar moved past Labor Day this week, placing the presidential race is even more squarely in front of voters. With all the issues that divide them one that had not been much discussed was their views about ocean policy. David Helvarg the noted journalist and Executive Director of the ocean conservation and policy group. Blue Frontier, caught that omission. He published a blog post about an open letter signed by 115 Ocean leaders in business, science, conservation, and education It asked for answers from both candidates. David Helvarg is in our studio this morning with the response he received to his question: How should a fish vote in this election
Intro Music: DW Theme
Outro Music: Money by Pink Floyd

Presenting hitherto covert mesophotic biota to the observations of quasi-littoral anthropoids-- Is like, totally awesome! Is that a little too deep for you? Well that’s why it was so hard to discover it! It being a previously unknown mesophotic butterfly fish, and mesophotic being the zone way deep down in the reef waters where the light barely penetrates. A true underwater twilight zone, too deep for conventional dives, and not deep enough for most manned submersibles. So we're just beginning to explore it in depth.
Intro Music: Money by Pink Floyd
Outro Music: My Love by The Bird and The Bee