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The Conversation: Thursday, August 11th, 2016


Update on the Hep A Outbreak; Emma Farden Sharpe Hula Festival; Candidate for Hawaii County Mayor; Craniosacral Massage

Update on the Hep A Outbreak: Dr. Sarah Park

Dr. Sarah Park

Credit Sarah Park

Since the first announcement of the hepatitis A outbreak in Hawaii, everyone has wanted to know how it happened. With cases popping up in different places largely around Oahu, the Department of Health has discounted a single source ...and in recent days has said it could be caused by certain common products, though which ones the department isn’t yet sure. Yesterday the case count jumped to a hundred and sixty-eight. I sat down with state epidemiologist. Sarah Park is Chief of the State Department of Health’s Disease Outbreak Control Division.

Intro Music: Bobby Womack's "Across 110th Street" by Super Trombone

Outro Music: Gonna Fly Now by Magic & Music Orchestra

Emma Farden Sharpe Hula Festival: Kathryn Holoaumoku Ralar

Kathryn Holoaumoku Ralar

Credit bestofmauiguide
Hula Dance

The hula tradition is inseparable from the families that have carried it forward, and halau all over the islands are built on a reverent understanding of the traditions, and the people, whose legacy they represent. For Kathryn HoloaumokuRalar, it’s the legacy of her great-aunt, Emma Farden Sharpe, and she and her halau have created a weekend-long festival in her honor. Kathryn is on the line with us this morning.

Intro Music: Haleiwa Hula by Gabby Pahinui

Outro Music: Maui Hula by George de Fretes and His R.

Candidate for Hawaii County Mayor: Wally Lau

Wally Lau

Credit Wally Lau
Candidate for Hawaii County Mayor- Wally Lau

Whoever will be Hawaii County’s next mayor may inherit more public scrutiny of the office. With the yearlong investigation of current mayor Billy Kenoi and the trial set for October, the shadow of both may be a difficult hurdle for the next mayor; especially should that mayor be Wally Lau. Up until last January, Wally Lau served as the Hawaii county managing director. And since then has been talking about his platform including putting the county’s economy first on his list. Wally Lau is considered to be one of the frontrunners in the mayoral contest, along with former mayor Harry Kim, although there are eleven other candidates.

Intro Music: Kauai by Break up with him by Singer's Edge

Outro Music: Yellow instrumental by The Professional

Craniosacral Massage: Rich Nelson

Rich Nelson

Credit mauihealthnetwork
Maui School of Therapeutic Massage

Craniosacral therapy is a relatively new form of alternative medicine that has its ardent supporters, but has also drawn its share of skeptics. It’s a method of gentle manipulation of the head, neck, and spine that seeks to restore balance to the nervous system. Rich Nelson is a BiodynamicCraniosacral Therapist who teaches its techniques at the Maui School of Therapeutic Massage in Makawao. He’s a believer, and he’s on the line with us this morning.

Intro Music: Jazz guitar music by Massage Music

Outro Music: Sacral Chkra by Massage Tribe

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