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The Conversation: Friday, June 17th, 2016


BOSS Survery from Hawai‘i Business Magazine; Independent Book Publishing; The Trouble with “Finding Dory”; A New Radio Drama About Mozart

Hawaii Business Magazine’s BOSS Survey: Steve Petranik

Steve Petranik

  Whether you’re an owner, manager or staffer, you no doubt spend a lot of time at work. Americans work longer hours anywhere from 47 to 59 hours a week according to several studies - and in some cases those hours are a mark of privilege and power. But is that hard work making for better business and translating into getting ahead? Hawaii Business magazine released its Business Outlook and Sentiment Survey this month. Editor Steve Petranik is here with the findings.

Intro Music: Charlotte by The Kite Machine

Outro Music: The Boss by James Brown

Curator of the bookshelf at Hound and Quail: Omer Kursat

Omer Kursat

Credit Deuxmers Publishing
The Deuxmers Publishing bookshelf at the Hound and Quail

  It takes courage to embark on a book publishing venture at a time when print is widely thought to be dying -- but book-lovers are a determined lot, raised on the tactile sensations that a good book can give you, and on the pleasures of building your own library. Deuxmers Publishing is an independent publisher of literature and art photography based in Waimanalo that celebrates what its managing editor, OmerKursat, calls the “physically manifested objet d'art.” Omer’s with us in our studio.

Intro Music: Gira-sols by Renaldo & Clara

Outro Music: Hold On Me by Cadence Kid

The Cruelty of Cyanide Fishing/Realities of Blue Tang Industry Nicholas Whipps

Nicholas Whipps

Credit James Cervino - NOAA
Cyanide fishing

On this Father’s Day weekend, some of you may hit the movies for familiy friendly fare- including the much aniticipated Finding Dory….a forgetful blue tang who gets lost.  That could mean a lot of  kids asking for a Dory they can always find in their house aquarium. According to Nicholas Whipps, an attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity’s oceans program, those seemingly benign requests have serious consequences for the fish and the reefs because of the practice of cyanide fishing. Nicholas Whipps is on the line

Intro Music: Love Like Cyanide by The Rescues

Outro Music: Gone Fishing by Soft Fangs

Joe Moore’s MALIGNED MASTER Radio Drama

Joe Moore

Credit The Everett Collection
F Murray Abraham as Antonio Salieri in "Amadeus"

  It’s all too easy for an inaccurate perception to take hold - even one that proceeds from a work of fiction.  When playwright Peter Shaffer adapted the life of Mozart to the play-that-became-a-movie “Amadeus” he needed a conflict to move the story along, and he found it in an imagined rivalry between Mozart and one of his contemporaries, AntonioSalieri, described, in Shaffer’s telling, as a jealous mediocrity. Joe Moore is a veteran communicator who knows a little about how perceptions are formed, for good or ill, and he has created a radio play that brings Salieri back from the grave to give his own account of himself.   The play is called “Maligned Master: the Glory of Salieri,” and Joe is with us this morning.

Intro Music: Pearls by Avi On Fire

Outro Music: Sinfonia in D Major "Il giorno onomastico" by Antonio Salieri, Gavril Costea, Florin Ionoaia, Modest Cichirdan, Orchestre Philharmonique de Craiova

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