Large-Scale Composting in Hawai‘i County; The Outlook for Hawaiian Monk Seals; Transgender Students in Hawai‘i Schools; Turning Wartime Trauma into Art
Hawaii County Bill 197, RE: Composting Facility: Councilmember Karen Eoff

There could soon be more than mulch produced in Hawaii County. With one more vote of the County council, the Big Island could have the first comprehensive composting facility in the state. Two bills cleared the council yesterday and authorized a bond sale to raise the 10 and a half million dollars to fund the facility at the Hilo landfill...and a collection plant at the landfill in West Hawaii. Karen Eofff is the councilmemeber from North Kona who introduced the bills.
Intro Music: Listen for the Laugh by Bruce Cockburn
Outro Music: Age of Consent by Cayetana
NOAA Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program: Charles Littnan

Last week a nineteen year old ‘Ele’ele man was recorded slapping and harassing an endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal on Kaua’i. Turns it out it was a hapai seventeen year old female, Unfortunately, thoughtless humans aren’t members of the only species endangering the extremely rare marine mammal. NOAA’s Lead Scientist for the Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program, Charles Littnan joined us by phone this morning
Intro Music: The Passenger by Iggy Pop
Outro Music: Space Oddity by David Bowie
What’s Next for DOE's Policy on Transgendered Students: Joe Wilson

In school, kids are often told to have respect for everyone. As kids get older, that’s not necessarily the case either in practice or in policy at the state department of education, especially toward transgender students. The kids in the middle got a boost this week when a group petitioned the DOE to create and implement a gender diversity policy backed with training for teachers and administrators. Joe Wilson is half of the documentary team which produced the film KumuHina about an inspiring Native Hawaiian teacher who uses traditional culture to empower her students. He now coordinates The KumuHina Project, the educational effort that emerged from the film. It’s aimed at making schools and communities safe and inclusive across the gender spectrum
Intro Music: The Respect for the Old Beast by Those Who Ride With Giants
Outro Music: Hope by James Spiteri
Artist/UH professor Reem Bassous Uses Fireworks in Her Art

Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, speaking of his days as a soldier in the Union Army fighting the Confederacy, said “We have shared the incommunicable experience of war…” Our next guest grew up in Beirut Lebanon during its Civil War-- A situation very few of us can even remotely imagine. But not only does she carry those indelible experiences with her, she communicates them as well. She is artist and University of Hawaii Faculty Member ReemBassous, and she joins us this morning.
Intro Music: Wahine Holo Lio by Bryan Tolentino & Herb Ohta, Jr.
Outro Music: He`eia by Mahi Beamer