Tuesday, February 24th – from HPR2, it’s The Conversation
Last legislative session, the longtime discussion to cultivate hemp in Hawaii bore fruit... lawmakers approved a measure allowing an industrial hemp growing project. This year hemp cultivation for certain purposes could be expanded - at least on paper. The hemp seeds for the original program are just getting to Hawaii and soon will be in the hands of University of Hawaii Professor, Harry Ako. This morning we had Professor Ako in our studio for an update on the situation.
- Intro Music: Kokolay by Ndala Kasheba
- Outro Music: Woo-Hoo by The Rock A-Teens
First Female USMC F-18 Pilot: Lt. Col. Karen Fuller Brannen
Lt. Col. Karen Fuller Brannen became the first female F-18 pilot in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1997, when she earned the "wings of gold." She lives in Kailua and continues to fly as a large cabin demonstration pilot for Gulfstream Aerospace. She remains a Marine Corps Reserve Lieutenant Colonel serving in the Air Cell at Marine Forces Pacific. She’ll be part of this year's Discover Your Future in Aviation event, which takes place on Saturday, March 7 at the Pacific Aviation Museum.
- Intro Music: The Boys of the Old Brigade by United States Marine Band
- Outro Music: Semper Fidelis March by United States Marine Band
SB992, SD1 Na Kupuna Tribunal: Jay McCarthy
If you have been in any sort of custody, adoption, or foster care case, no doubt you're familiar with the phrase "the best interest of the child." Often that includes cultural sensitivity. But how far should that go? A bill now in its first amended draft looked hard at that question. It has been stripped down to the formation of a working group to see how the Kupuna Tribunal could best help the courts, child protective services, and Native Hawaiian children. Jay McCarthy is an attorney with the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys. He wrote an opinion about the original measure, saying it was unconstitutional and he joined us from his office in Arizona to elaborate on his position.
- Intro Music: The Happy Organ by Dave "Baby" Cortez
- Outro Music: Na Kaupuna O Heleakala by Jeff Peterson
Story of L?‘ieikawai: Kevin Berg
Kevin Berg is assistant director of L?‘ieikawai, which is the inaugural production in the University of Hawai‘i at M?noa's new Hawaiian Theatre program. The show is co-sponsored by the UHMHawai‘inui?kea School of Hawaiian Knowledge and the Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language. It runs until March 1st.
- Intro Music: Ipu Heke by Kumu Hula Sylvia Puananiha’aheo Edgar
- Outro Music: He Ho’olana