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Transmedia Accelerator; Student Congressional Debate; Psychology of Runaway Teens; Makana

Thursday, April 24th – From HPR2, it’s The Conversation

GVS Transmedia Accelerator: David Cunningham

David Cunningham

For decades, the siphoning of Hawaii’s brightest and most creative minds has been one more reason for concern about who would fill top island positions. It has also been a way of life for entrepreneurial minds in creative industries who have had to take their talent elsewhere to make a living. David Cunningham of Global Virtual Studios says that situation is about to change. In partnership with Hawaii county and several stage agencies, GVS is launching the Transmedia Accelerator and David Cunningham joined the show to tell us more information about it.

Intro Music: Ching-A-Ling-A-Ding-Dong by Go Jimmy Go

Outro Music: Backyard Quiz Theme by Jon de Mello

Hawaii Student Congressional Debate: Matteo Muehlhauser

Matteo Muehlhauser

Debate students have opportunities to sharpen their wits in a way that few other activities can give them.  The pressure to make your arguments in a formal setting, and anticipate what the other side will say  -- it’s good preparation for life.  Matteo Muehlhauser is a junior at Damien Memorial School who has qualified for the National Speech and Debate Association's nationwide tournament in congressional and policy debate.   The debates he’s preparing for ask students to take on the role of lawmakers in parliamentary settings – and that’s another whole level of difficulty.

Intro Music: Debate Exposes Doubt by Death Cab For Cutie

Outro Music: Debate Exposes Doubt by Death Cab For Cutie

Psychology of Stowaway/Runaway Teens: Martin Johnson

Dr. Martin Johnson

Many thisweek were shocked by the story of the 15 year old who hid inside the wheel compartment of a Hawaiian airlines plane, and wound up on Maui...miraculously alive. The details of why he did it are unknown, but how he could see this as a viable solution may well be rooted in the development of a 15 year old brain. Clinical psychologist Martin Johnson stopped by our studio yesterday and took a look at some of the reasons.

Intro Music: Human – Tin Tin Out Mix by Pretenders

Outro Music: Runaway by Red Hot Chili Peppers

HPU Concert: Makana


You might think of the guitar as a kind of portable orchestra. In the hands of an expert, it can give you a full range of musical expression. So what happens when you combine a guitar and an orchestra, and then layer the sounds of a vocal chorale on top? You have the potential for a spectacular experience in sound, and that’s what slack-key master Makana is cooking up for this Sunday, when he’ll be performing with the Hawaii Pacific University Choirs and Symphony.

Intro Music: Ka`ena Dream by Makana

Outro Music: Bizarre Love Triangle by Makana

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