It’s Tuesday, April 8th – From HPR2, it’s The Conversation
Ben Cohen of Ben and Jerry’s, Political Talk/McCucheon Decision
Depending on who you talk to, last week’s Supreme Court decision on McCutcheon versus the Federal Elections Commission was either the next best thing after Citizens United - or a hammer to the foundation of democracy. This morning we got both perspectives...that the decision chalks one up for the first amendment… or that it’s another big reason to get big money out of politics. We’ll start with that conversation first. Ben Cohen, the Ben of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, is now leading a campaign to stamp out big money in campaign contributions...literally.
Intro Music: Moanin’ by Art Blakey
Outro Music: Good As It Gets by Earl Klugh
UH-Hilo Earth Fair: Claudia Wilcox-Boucher
There’s a renewed awareness of the natural environment in the air, that’s growing with each new generation. It’s easy to focus on all the damage humans have done to the planet, and overlook all that there is to celebrate. Hawaii Community College and the University of Hawaii at Hilo are teaming up to remind us of both the good and the bad at their 26th Annual Earth Fair. Claudia Wilcox-Boucher is a Social Sciences Instructor at HCC who’s coordinating the event, and she joined the show from Hawaii island.
Intro Music: Good As It Gets by Earl Klugh
Outro Music: Eltsuhg Ibal Lasiti by The Daktaris
Opposite View, SCOTUS McCutcheon Decision: Peter Kay
In our first segment we heard the perspective that the McCutcheon versus the Federal Elections Commission decision undercuts democracy.….Peter Kay says it does anything but. The Supreme Court decision handed down last week was, in his words, a huge first amendment victory...Peter Kay joined the show to elaborate.
Intro Music: Forever This Cyanide by Systems Officer
Outro Music: My Sweetheart by Focus