It’s Monday, August 12 – From HPR2, it’s The Conversation
Follow-up on Cane Burning on Maui: Irene Bowie
Irene Bowie is the executive director of the Maui Tomorrow Foundation. She is a 33-year resident of Maui and has seen more than a few cane fields burning. Her organization will continue to press for green harvesting.
Joy of Sake Sommelier: Christine Parkinson
Christine Parkinson is a London-based sommelier… She’s one of the judges for the Honolulu Joy of Sake on Friday at the Honolulu Convention Center.
Teacher Feedback from PBS Workshop: Jennifer Suzuki
Jennifer Suzuki is the media teacher at Maui Waena Intermediate School. She is the only Hawaii teacher who participated with 25 teachers from around the country at the PBS Student Reporting Lab in Washington, DC. She is incorporating the intensive into her curriculum and the common core standards.
Waipa Foundation: Kaipo Like
Kaipo Like is the education director for the Waipa Foundation on Kaua’i. It’s a native Hawaiian Learning and Community Center.