It’s Tuesday, July 9 – From HPR2, it’s The Conversation.
Edna Educating...
Edna Hussey is the former head of Epiphany School, which merged with Mid-Pacific Institute in 2004. MPI started the Reggio-inspired preschool in 2005. She is currently working on a doctorate of education in professional practice. Mid Pacific Institute is the only Reggio-inspired preschool in Hawaii at the time. Follow this link for more.
The Miracle on Moloka’i
David Zax is the author of “Miracle on Moloka’i,” which is published on the website “the Big Roundtable.”
Digesting food ethics...
Will K. Weinstein is a money manager and former partner in two investment banking firms. He teaches at San Francisco State University and leads a post graduate summer course, “Ethics and Integrity in the Real World,” at the UH Law School and the Shidler College of Business.This is his tenth summer teaching the course and presenting free public lectures, the Will Weinstein Conversation Series 2013, the first “The Ethics in the Food Industry” happens this Thursday, July 18.
A celebration at Kaua’i’s own Duckburg...Koloa Plantation Days.
Melissa McFerrin is the coordinator of Koloa Plantation Days 2013, which runs from July 19th to the 28th