When the Ying Quartet came to Hawai‘i to perform and present master classes to student quartets, one of the Yings (I believe it was Phillip) said words to this effect - A string quartet is like a Mazerati; it can turn on a dime. I feel that his statement can apply to quartets of many types, so I'm dedicating today's program to that idea and playing you a variety of them, from string quartets to piano quartets to saxophone quartets - the exciting world of the quartet.
To get more information on each CD that is played, you can follow the program in one of two ways:
1. Go to hawaiipublicradio.org. Click on Programs, then HPR-2 Schedule, then find today's Classical Pacific link at 3pm. Information on each album will be displayed as the music plays, often with the cover of the album showing, too.
2. Go to the HPR App on your smart phone (you can download it for free, if you don't already have it). Choose HPR2. As the program plays, you'll see the information on each album, just as you do on the website.
Questions? Comments? Email me: llanzilotti@hawaiipublicradio.org