At the beginning of the eighth day of the Membership Drive, we've raised over $500,000 towards our $865,000 goal. Mahalo nui loa to all of the donors so far, whether you are new, renewing or sustaining. We've recevied donations from throughout Hawai‘i, as well as from the mainland US and Canada, and from other countries. Today I'll be playing music of the Magical Maestro of the Day (listen to find out who you chose), and will play music by Wagner, Bach, Dvorák, Offenbach, Vaughan Williams, Beethoven, Fauré and Tchaikovsky. Don't wait until the last day to donate!
Call 944-8800 to donate from ?’ahu, 888-970-8800 from the other islands, the mainland and Canada, or donate on the website or the HPR App.
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