Tonight on Bridging the Gap a companion to last night's set of vintage African music... with vintage inspired music from Hawaii, some latin, some Bossa Nova and a tribute to the late Beverly Noa who is pictured.
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Grab tickets to the HPR Halloween Show that I'm DJing!
Tickets for the Atherton can be found at
Upcoming Live Sets:
~Lobby Lounge at The Surfjack Saturday October 21st. 1-4pm
~Hawai?i Public Radio Halloween Party live broadcast DJ Set, Friday, October 27th- . 8:30pm
~Voodoo Love Magic at Da Warehouse Wailuku
~Halloween Night at Fleetwood's on Front St. (Rooftop Bar), Tuesday October 31st- set time TBA.
~1st Friday, November 3rd- w/ Good Foot at Downbeat Diner 9pm.
~Hawaii Opera Theater’s Opera Ball, Saturday November 11th, Sheraton Waikiki
~ Soulgasm w/ Jeremy Sole- Friday December 15th, Bar 35 (Tentative)
~Four Seasons Pool Bar- December 22nd & 23rd
~Silent Disco Wanderlust Oahu- Friday March 2nd
Set List: