The County of Kauai has expanded COVID vaccine eligibility and said most residents are now eligible and there are appointments available.
Appointments are open for all residents age 60 and over; all essential workers age 16 and over; and residents age 16 and over with high-risk medical conditions. Information can be found at
All essential workers on Kauai now qualify, and include the following industries: restaurants, grocery stores, agricultural workers (farmers, ranchers, fishermen), logistics/transportation, hardware stores/construction, real estate, law, finance, IT, communications, energy, media, public health, visitor industry, hotels, cleaning/sanitation, gyms/fitness centers, beauty and nail salons, car dealerships, and auto shops.
Kauai's health officials urge all travel industry, restaurant and bar employees to schedule an appointment before the County rejoins the Safe Travels program on April 5.
"We know that pre-travel testing does not catch every case, and as travel increases, new cases will be introduced," Dr. Janet Berreman, Kauai District Health Officer, said in a statement. "We are urging everyone who has direct contact with travelers to schedule a vaccine appointment now. All essential workers on Kauai are now eligible. The more members of our community who are vaccinated, the more protected we will all be from community spread of COVID-19.
Appointments are available at Longs/CVS locations at Eleele, Koloa, and Kapaa; Wilcox Medical Center; Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital; Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital; and the state Department of Health Clinic at the War Memorial Convention Hall.
Residents can find more information and sign up for an appointment at