This week on Helping Hand, with November being Epilepsy Awareness Month, we’re learning about the 2018 Community Conference from the Epilepsy Foundation of Hawaii. HPR All Things Considered Host Dave Lawrence speaks with Executive Director Naomi Manuel about the conference tomorrow at Aloha Tower Marketplace from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., plus we learn about the condition, treatments, other services they offer and how we can support them, including through volunteering.
Helping Hand is a weekly feature airing statewide on HPR1 stations each week and then appearing online here, where all our Helping Hand segments are archived. Every Friday afternoon, Helping Hand puts the spotlight on an organization, topic or event that offers assistance to people with disabilities and others among the most vulnerable.
Contact the Epilepsy Foundation of Hawaii:
Phone: (808) 528-3058
Find all the previous Helping Hand segments.