Helping Hand is a new weekly feature on HPR. Each Friday afternoon, Helping Hand will put the spotlight on an organization or event in the community that offers assistance to the handicapped, disabled and other folks in need with All Things Considered local host Dave Lawrence. This week we’re learning about services that are available across the state via our guest Deborah Arendale, Executive on Aging at the Maui County Office On Aging. She can speak to services both on the Valley Isle and around the state, for older folks, their care-givers and many others in the community.
The Maui County Office on Aging provides services to the islands of Maui, Molokai and Lanai. The emphasis on Aging in Place underlies all activities in which MCOA engages. Every service, program, and product endorsed or implemented by MCOA and contracted providers serve to assist Maui County’s seniors and persons of all ages with disabilities to lead independent, fulfilled, and dignified lives in their own homes and own communities for as long as possible and appropriate. In this conversation, while Deborah is from the Maui County Office on Aging, she explains how these services are available throughout the state and offers contact info that can be used by anyone living in the islands (not just in Maui County) to contact their local County officials.
Contact Maui County Office on Aging:
Phone: 808-643-ADRC (2372)