Although there’s a lot of focus on the IUCN this week…there’s a different conference beginning today that focuses on native rights issues.
The International Indian Treaty Council is hosting its annual meeting this year in Hawai‘i. Indigenous leaders from First Nation groups around the world use the annual meeting to discuss issues around decolonization, sovereignty and self-determination.

A smaller but related Taro Food Sovereignty Conference called starts today on issues relating to the resurgence of native foods. Andrea Carmen is the Executive Director of the International Indian Treaty Council.
Nation of Hawai‘i leader Bumpy Kanahele says both gatherings are good chances for Native Hawaiians to continue to learn from other native groups.
The Taro Food Sovereignty Conference runs from September 7th-8th, and the main conference runs from September 9th till the 11th at the Pu’uhonua Village in Waim?nalo.
All events are open to the public and more information can be found at TreatyCouncil.Org.
Native Treaty Conference Agenda