The Department of Land and Natural Resources is responding to vandalism at one of O‘ahu’s oldest structures. Last week crosses were carved in multiple places on the ruins of King Kamehameha the third’s summer palace, Kaniakapupu
DLNR officials say social media, and online hiking sights have popularized hiking to the ruins--which are actually off limits to the public. Baron Ching, Vice President of Aha Hui Malama O Kaniakapupu was interviewed in a video released by the DLNR.
The 180 year old structure was completed in 1845, and was the first western style building constructed in Hawai‘i with mortar and plaster.
https://vimeo.com/171833330">Kaniakapupu Vandalism Video News Release, June 23, 2016 from https://vimeo.com/user10051674">Hawaii DLNR on Vimeo.