Helping Hand is a weekly interview feature on HPR1 stations statewide at 5:30pm Fridays and also online here. Each week we put the spotlight on an organization or event in the community that offers assistance to the disabled and other folks in need. This week All Things Considered host Dave Lawrence speaks with KORE. According to their website, Kaua`i Ocean Recreation Experience, or KORE, is designed to help both Kaua`i residents and their families who are physically challenged or face special needs, to get back into the ocean with the assistance of trained professionals.
Originally created by a small but passionate group of Kaua`i watermen and women, firefighters and physical rehab therapists, KORE's Beach Days have now grown into heroic monthly events which boast over 400 participants and volunteers, working together to make the beach and ocean accessible to all. KORE provide invaluable socialization and enrichment in the lives of the disabled and their loved ones, a crucial part of their approach. Today we’re privileged to learn more about this volunteer driven non-profit with ties to the Kaua`i YMCA with our very special guest, one of the founders of KORE, and Fire Captain at the Hanalei Fire Station, Kurt Leong.

Contact KORE:
Phone: Kurt Leong 808-651-6416, Suzie Woolway 808-652-0267
Email: and
Find all the Helping Hand segments here.