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'Prairie Diaries': Iris Kluber

Following are excerpts of Iris Kluber's "Prairie Diary" recollecting her day in Kansas, Oct. 11, 2001:

Dear Future Kansas Resident,

At 7:45 a.m., just as I was finishing up my morning papers, a call came from my neighbor asking about our monthly Ladies Aid meeting. I'd forgotten all about it and made plans with our youngest daughter... As I've aged, seem to forget more things. My friend calls them senior moments...

We prepared apples for drying, Ozark Black apples from our own orchard. Our daughter came from Olathe, had a small home maintenance project that her Dad and I helped with. Sent home with her enough apples for her to dry at least two big batches and some extra for her to share with her close friend...

After our daughter left, I read a new Family Tree magazine and checked my e-mail to see if I'd gotten any useful family history information from look-ups I'd requested from York County, Pennsylvania. Was disappointed, still can't find the link between my Ohio Neidigs and those in Pennsylvania. But won't give up trying until I do.

Read on my Sunday School lesson for Sunday, try to read some from the Scriptures every day...

Spoke to a friend to see that she was doing all right after the death of her brother. Checked e-mail and answered a couple of requests for information about this project our Church ladies are going to do.

Watched the news on TV, am concerned about those who had family killed and hurt in the terrorist attack and those who now have family in the military...

I took a shower at 11:20 p.m., said my prayers and retired. Thankful to be an American, where I have freedom to worship and think as I like. I'm happy to be living in the mid-west where we are more conservative in our life style and a more friendly people than those we met while living years ago in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

I have a good life full of family, church and neighborhood.... I am well and active and have turned 65 in August. Life is good and I am a happy woman.


Iris M. Kluber

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