The invasive lace bug is a sap-sucking pest attacking avocado crops statewide. It's also the subject of recent research by the University of Hawaiʻi.
The voracious feeders latch onto the host plant, causing premature leaf drop and a reduction in fruit yield. Ultimately weakened trees become susceptible to other diseases.
Research educator Amjad Ahmad specializes in sustainable and organic agriculture. He sat down with The Conversation to talk about what his team is sharing with growers about controlling this pest.
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Young avocado plant manifesting Avocado Lace Bug damage
Lillian Tsang
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Yellow and brown spots are indicative of adults (about 2mm long) feeding, starting at the center of the leaves
Lillian Tsang
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All life stages -- egg, nymph and adults -- of the Avocado Lace Bug can be seen on the underside of this infected leaf
Lillian Tsang
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Close up of damage -- eggs are laid in leaf tissue and covered by dark excrement
Lillian Tsang
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Extension Agent Amjad Ahmad has been sharing findings from statewide on-farm trials determining best management protocols to control the invasive Avocado Lace Bug
“The Basics of Integrated Pest Management” virtual workshop is available here.
This interview aired on The Conversation on Feb. 7, 2023. The Conversation airs weekdays at 11 a.m. on HPR-1.