Mice Problem on Midway Atoll; Greening Historic Homes; UH Law School for Jurist in Residence Program
A remote atoll within the Papah?naumoku?kea Marine National Monument is home to an extraordinary collection of seabirds -- more than 3 million converging on a tiny space: some 1500 acres. It is the only nesting ground for two seabird species that face an imminent threat from an unlikely source: invasive house mice that attack and kill nesting Black-footed albatross and Laysan albatross.
Outro Music: Queen B by Hardkandy
There are many dos and don’ts about owning a property that may be on the Historic Register. The Historic Hawaii Foundation along with the Honolulu Chapter of American Institute of Architects will focus on the Greening of Hawaii’s Heritage Homes in a series of workshops that launches next Monday.
Outro Music: Before You Leave (Carl Faure Mix) by Pepe Deluxe
Capitol watchers have been talking about what seems like more bills getting gutted and replaced during this legislative session.
UH Law School for Jurist in Residence Program
Justice Joseph Williams of the New Zealand Court of Appeal is of Maori descent, and he has watched, down through the years, as his native culture has gained recognition in government and judicial circles. He is the first person of Maori descent, and the first who speaks his native tongue, appointed to one of his nation’s highest courts.
Intro Music: Poi E by Patea Maori Club