2018 Homeless Survey; Education Philosophy; Hotel Disaster Preparedness; Freddie Miranda Jr.
2018 Point in Time Count of Homeless Population
The Point-In-Time Count survey of Oahu’s homeless population is happening this week. The count is the basis for all homeless policy for the year.
Into Music: Say No To Love by The Pains of Being Pure At Heart
Outro Music: Cosmos by Elusive
Education Philanthropist Ted Dintersmith
Ted Dintersmith is a former venture capitalist who has made it his mission to help states improve their public education systems.
Into Music: Joyful Sounds by The Word
Outro Music: Tsunmai (Inside My Soul) by Sven Van
Hotel’s Survey Disaster Preparedness
The Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association conducted a survey of local hotels to find out how well prepared or unprepared they are to help guests during a disaster event.
Outro Music: Broadway by Myron & E
The concern over a growing number of unlicensed care homes is a concern that lawmakers want to address this legislative session.
Outro Music: Noise Pollution by Portugal. The Man
Drummer and percussionist Freddie Miranda, Jr. is bringing his brand of salsa to our Atherton Studio this weekend, and we talked the other day about his musical priorities.
Into Music: Summer Hits (J&J Don't Like) by Mazes
Outro Music: Timbale Solo by Freddie Miranda